Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): Autoimmune ELISA diagnostics, Infection ELISA Diagnostics, Biomarker Antigen ELISA Diagnostics

Method: Immunology Diagnostic Test
Principle: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) from EUROIMMUN use antigens or antibodies coated on a polystyrene plates with 96 wells as a solid phase to bind specific antibodies or antigens in patient samples through an enzymatic colour reaction. The processing can be manual, semi-automated or fully automated. Monospecific ELISAs are used for semi-quantitative or quantitative determination of antibodies or antigens. Semi-quantitative detection of various antibodies on a single microplate strip is achieved using profile ELISAs. Here, the solid phase is coated with an antigen mixture. The antibodies can be detected semi-quantitatively. Afterwards, a differentiated detection must be performed with the respective monospecific assay.

Advantages of the EUROIMMUN ELISA
– Comprehensive product range for autoimmune and infection diagnostics, antigen detection and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
– Highest test quality due to in-house antigen design and production
– No additional reagents required, all necessary reagents included in the test kits
– Ready for use reagents, exchangeable between products with bar and colour codes for secure manual and automated processing
– Universal instead of individual incubation schemes enable uncomplicated combined processing of different parameters
– Optimised for fully automated processing using EUROLabWorkstation ELISA, EUROIMMUN Analyzer I or EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P ELISA Automated Analyzer ● EUROLabWorkstation ELISA
● EUROIMMUN Analyzer I
● EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P

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