Method: Molecular Diagnostic Test
Principle: Real-time PCR (RT PCR) Test
Methylation Detection Kit for Human SDC2 Gene (Real Time PCR) is intended for qualitativedetection of SDC2 gene methylation level in human stool sample in vitro.
Methylation Detection Kit for Human SDC2 Gene (Real Time PCR) is applicable for auxiliarydiagnosis of patients who are recommended by clinicians for colonoscopy, the test result cannot beused as the basis for early diagnosis or diagnosis of intestinal tumor, but only as an auxiliarydiagnosis result for clinicians to refer to and provide patient with more options for auxiliarydiagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Clinicians should make a comprehensive judgment on the testresults based on factors such as the patient’s condition and other laboratory test indicators.
● Early detection of precancer and early stages of colorectal cancer
● High detection rate Complete colon detection
● Easy sample collection at home Room temperature storage & shipment
● Completely noninvasive No bowel preparation Only 4.5g of sample
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