Virus Collection and Transport Kit
NDF Sample Colection Tube is the most reliable choice for the collection, preservation, and transport of viruses chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma specimens at room temperature. lt ensures the safe transport of clinical specimens and flexilbility for immediate testing or refrigerated storage when immediate testing is not possible.
■ Molding cap tightly matched with the tube, passed 95 KPa test andcomplied with the requirement of infectious material transportation Optional swabs with unique breakpoint, easy to safe, reliable break off and deposit of swab sticks into transport tubes.
■ Molding cap tightly matched with the tube passed 95 KPa test and complied with the requirement of infectious material transportation.
■ Optional swabs with unique breakpoint easy to safe, reliable break off and deposit of swab sticks into transport tubes.
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