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Genetic Analysis

Genetic Analysis AS (GA) is a science-based diagnostic company and pioneer in the human microbiome field with more than 10 years of expertise in research and product development. The unique GA-map® platform is based on a pre-targeted multiplex approach specialized for simultaneous analysis of a large number of bacteria in one reaction. The test results are generated by utilizing the clinically validated cutting edge GA-map® software algorithm. This enables immediate results without the need of further bioinformatics work.

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GA-map® Dysbiosis Test reagent kit

Key Advantages with the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test: ● The technology for the test can be set up at any PCR laboratory or samples can be sent to the GA service laboratory ● An easy and useful tool in patient treatments of IBS, IBD, diabetes type 2, lifestyle diseases, leaky-gut syndrome and other gut disorders ● The GA-map® Dysbiosis test is reproduceable, standardized and fast ● An increasing number of researchers have discovered the efficiency and simplicity using the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test in gut microbiota analysis ● Customized dysbiosis index after your needs

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